The Full Stop

Censored Sensibility has been a long and difficult process, but one that was hugely exciting. We have not had a single instalation without its problems, but everything is a work in progress, and that’s something we resigned ourselves to from the very beginning. No matter the difficulties, working with a dear friend on a hugely creative project that focussed entirely on something we are both passionate about – language – made every second worthwhile. We also received some incredible feedback (yes, friends, we are considering taking CS to another city and letting it grow), and – despite skin-of-our-teeth moments and change-of-plan situations – we are hugely proud of the work we created. We feel we put together a piece which effectively explored the nature and power of language, and which came across in a professional, creative and (most importantly, as noted in another post) hugely original way. English, Art, and Drama have come together, and everything came together in the end too. Trial and error is a strangely wonderful thing, and nothing we do is an exact science. We have made it through the process scathed but proud. Victory.


Just remember:

Word of Mouse is a Powerful Tool,

And the Pen is Mightier than the Swordfish.

Painting and Sawing Makes You Feel like a Fool,

So Be Careful for Just What You Wish.


We have reached the final Full Stop.

Censored Sensibility.

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